Simple Organic On Forbes Brazil: How Simple Organic Transformed The Clean Beauty Market In Brazil
Simple Organic On Forbes Brazil: How Simple Organic Transformed The Clean Beauty Market In Brazil
Throughout our 6 years of existence, it's been incredible to look back at the beginning and see how far we've come. Moments like our recent feature on Forbes, one of the world's key economy, finance, and entrepreneurship publications, give us immense pride.
In this piece about How Simple Organic transformed the clean beauty market in Brazil, the publication looks back at our entire trajectory, starting when Simple was merely an idea in Patricia Lima's mind, the company's founder and CEO.
The article points to Simple's fast growth in a yet unexplored market in Brazil and how the Hypera Pharma acquisition, one of the leading Brazilian pharmaceutical companies, was instrumental in this process.
Since the acquisition, the brand registered close to 500% growth, with 70% of sales done digitally, 15% in physical stores, 10% in drugstores, and 5% in the international market. For 2023, the expectation is to grow 52% more than last year, increasing the number of franchises - today, there are 35 stores - and going from twelve hundred partnered drugstores to seventeen hundred, notes the Forbes article.
Moments like this make us – even more – proud of everything Simple represents. Here, sustainability is the driving force behind actions. Since the first day, the goal has been to generate a positive impact by democratizing clean beauty. And, as Forbes acknowledges, we are on the right track.